UMS SKELDAR, a specialist for remotely controlled aircraft (RPA), on behalf of QinetiQ, recently demonstrated the environmental protection capabilities RPAs can provide to the Welsh government. Starting 7 March 2016, UMS SKELDAR, during one week showcased the potential of RPA applications in the areas of fisheries protection, flood risk management and coastal erosion monitoring. The live flights utilised the BRAMOR C4EYE and GEO platforms provided by UMS SKELDAR’s key partner C-Astra.
The BRAMOR C4EYE, according to UMS SKELDAR, is appropriate for operations where real-time video observation and surveillance capabilities are of utmost importance. It has an endurance range of three hours and a standard datalink of 30 kilometres. By contrast, the BRAMOR GEO family is considered by UMS to be suitable for surveying and remote sensing applications in areas where replacement of the standard surveying methods is required.
"These demonstrations prove the change in direction the civilian sector is taking for tasks like fisheries protection and monitoring coastal erosion,"David Willems, Global Business Director for UMS SKELDAR, explained. "RPAs not only provide the Welsh Government with a more efficient way to identify and locate vessels undertaking illegal activities or where the coast is eroding, they also are more cost-effective due to the lack of need for manned patrols taking days, weeks or even months to undertake the same role."
In another press release, UMS SKELDAR announced that it has extended its manufacturing capabilities as a part of its wider strategic growth plan for 2016 and beyond. The new facility located in Linköping, Sweden, was officially opened on 23 March 2016. "Following the landmark agreement between UMS Aero and Saab, it made complete sense for UMS SKELDAR to open this facility under its own brand, not only because of the ease by which we are able to integrate the manufacturing expertise from Saab for the SKELDAR, but also to add the capability of organising demonstration flights close by,"Jakob Baumann, CEO of UMS SKELDAR, stated. He also pointed out the fact that Sweden offers full maritime and land demonstration areas, adding to the logic of a twin production strategy.
BRAMOR C4EYE RPA on launcher. (Photo: UMS SKELDAR) |
The BRAMOR C4EYE, according to UMS SKELDAR, is appropriate for operations where real-time video observation and surveillance capabilities are of utmost importance. It has an endurance range of three hours and a standard datalink of 30 kilometres. By contrast, the BRAMOR GEO family is considered by UMS to be suitable for surveying and remote sensing applications in areas where replacement of the standard surveying methods is required.
"These demonstrations prove the change in direction the civilian sector is taking for tasks like fisheries protection and monitoring coastal erosion,"David Willems, Global Business Director for UMS SKELDAR, explained. "RPAs not only provide the Welsh Government with a more efficient way to identify and locate vessels undertaking illegal activities or where the coast is eroding, they also are more cost-effective due to the lack of need for manned patrols taking days, weeks or even months to undertake the same role."
In another press release, UMS SKELDAR announced that it has extended its manufacturing capabilities as a part of its wider strategic growth plan for 2016 and beyond. The new facility located in Linköping, Sweden, was officially opened on 23 March 2016. "Following the landmark agreement between UMS Aero and Saab, it made complete sense for UMS SKELDAR to open this facility under its own brand, not only because of the ease by which we are able to integrate the manufacturing expertise from Saab for the SKELDAR, but also to add the capability of organising demonstration flights close by,"Jakob Baumann, CEO of UMS SKELDAR, stated. He also pointed out the fact that Sweden offers full maritime and land demonstration areas, adding to the logic of a twin production strategy.