TEKEVERis launching a new version of its AR3 Net Ray shipborne UAV on booth #2255. with payload weight capacity increased, to allow integration of a maritime radar.
"With an extra payload capacity and the integration of a maritime radar, the goal of the company is to provide customers with unprecedented capabilities in a very small and affordable package,"Pedro Sinogas, TEKEVER CEO, told MT.
The AR3 NET RAY is a shipborne UAS designed to support multiple types of maritime and land-based missions, including ISTAR, pollution monitoring, infrastructure surveillance and communications support operations. Because of its endurance of more than 10 hours, the AR3 NET RAY is a perfect fit to support both maritime and medium range land missions. Being extremely easy to assemble and operate, the AR3 NET RAY provides flexible payload options and 10+ endurance with a very reduced logistics footprint, making it ideal for the most demanding tactical scenarios.
"With an extra payload capacity and the integration of a maritime radar, the goal of the company is to provide customers with unprecedented capabilities in a very small and affordable package,"Pedro Sinogas, TEKEVER CEO, told MT.
The AR3 NET RAY is a shipborne UAS designed to support multiple types of maritime and land-based missions, including ISTAR, pollution monitoring, infrastructure surveillance and communications support operations. Because of its endurance of more than 10 hours, the AR3 NET RAY is a perfect fit to support both maritime and medium range land missions. Being extremely easy to assemble and operate, the AR3 NET RAY provides flexible payload options and 10+ endurance with a very reduced logistics footprint, making it ideal for the most demanding tactical scenarios.