REMULES - REnewable Mobile Ultra Light Energy System – one of the world’s first all-in-one carbon fibre solar systems, is on display in hall 5, #J338. Visitors are able to view the state-of-the art solar power station and discover its engineering in supplying vital, clean power to military camps, refugee camps and crisis zones.
The highly mobile, lightweight device represents Austria as one of 1,530 registered exhibitors at 33 national pavillons, promoting its capability to provide 2kWp. As today’s defence and rescue missions need greater flexibility, REMULES is a great solution – it can be carried to position and will generate vast amounts of electricity, fast, able to operate in extreme environments such as dusty deserts and icy mountains.
The highly mobile, lightweight device represents Austria as one of 1,530 registered exhibitors at 33 national pavillons, promoting its capability to provide 2kWp. As today’s defence and rescue missions need greater flexibility, REMULES is a great solution – it can be carried to position and will generate vast amounts of electricity, fast, able to operate in extreme environments such as dusty deserts and icy mountains.