Before setting off on an out-of-area operation, armed forces typically have no or only fragmented information on spectrum use by the military, government, and private participants or intelligence services. Yet, to achieve information superiority they need coherent access to and exchange information on spectrum usage quickly.
For this purpose, LS telcom has developed the Combined and Interoperable Spectrum Management and Monitoring System. It combines LS telcom’s hardware monitoring system LS OBSERVER with the spectrum management software system SPECTRAmil.
LS OBSERVER measures the complete range of radio frequencies and provides essential data for frequency situational awareness. LS OBSERVER works on the basis of distributed monitoring devices. These measure the entire frequency spectrum throughout. The data is compressed and stored locally in the device and can be transmitted, with small bandwidth only, to the central control unit. In case of interruption of the transmission, the data can be reloaded from the remote device at any time. This way the armed forces are able to populate a database with real spectrum usage data, the foundation of secure frequency allocation in the operational area. Advanced filter functionality allows for selective and fast access to the required subset of the data.
With the support of direction finding techniques, such as Time-Difference-of-Arrival (TDOA), Power-Difference-of-Arrival (PDoA) or Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) the forces are able to geo-locate hostile and unknown transmitters for immediate threat recognition.
Command and control of the electromagnetic spectrum environment with SPECTRAmil
The integrated software system SPECTRAmil combined with LS OBSERVER provides full control of the electromagnetic spectrum to the operational command at any moment of operations.
SPECTRAmil consists of the central and secured database of spectrum information and several task specific software modules for tactical mission planning, military spectrum engineering, and electronic warfare operations. It supports all organisational units of the armed forces at strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
The software module SPECTRAmpt defines the area of operation based on cartographic data (DEM, DTM, clutter) and the MGRS (military grid reference system). The operational command uses the real-time information in the system’s central database to plan networks and links, to automatically identify the best location and power for emitters, minimising any interference, and respectively to optimise the positioning of jammers for maximum impact. The calculations consider any jammers and hostile and friendly emitters identified by LS OBSERVER and registered in the central database.
SPECTRAmpt allows operational commanders to simulate electronic support measures, counter measures, and electronic protection against Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs).
The SPECTRAmil system is interoperable with the SMIR Online database of NATO through SMADEF XML, supports the Standard Frequency Action Format (Pub 7 and Pub 8), is fully ITU compliant (ITU agreements, ITU IFL (International Frequency List) and interfaces to ITU databases (BR-IFIC and SRS)). In addition, the software includes extensive data exchange capabilities, such as CSV, XML file exchange format, and can be interoperable with allied and friendly forces’ systems.
A colour code indicates a high or low jamming effect on the hostile radio depending on the jamming location. In this example the red zone is the best location to set up jammers, a jammer in the blue area would only have minimal effect on the enemy’s ability to communicate
For this purpose, LS telcom has developed the Combined and Interoperable Spectrum Management and Monitoring System. It combines LS telcom’s hardware monitoring system LS OBSERVER with the spectrum management software system SPECTRAmil.
LS OBSERVER measures the complete range of radio frequencies and provides essential data for frequency situational awareness. LS OBSERVER works on the basis of distributed monitoring devices. These measure the entire frequency spectrum throughout. The data is compressed and stored locally in the device and can be transmitted, with small bandwidth only, to the central control unit. In case of interruption of the transmission, the data can be reloaded from the remote device at any time. This way the armed forces are able to populate a database with real spectrum usage data, the foundation of secure frequency allocation in the operational area. Advanced filter functionality allows for selective and fast access to the required subset of the data.
With the support of direction finding techniques, such as Time-Difference-of-Arrival (TDOA), Power-Difference-of-Arrival (PDoA) or Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) the forces are able to geo-locate hostile and unknown transmitters for immediate threat recognition.
Command and control of the electromagnetic spectrum environment with SPECTRAmil
The integrated software system SPECTRAmil combined with LS OBSERVER provides full control of the electromagnetic spectrum to the operational command at any moment of operations.
SPECTRAmil consists of the central and secured database of spectrum information and several task specific software modules for tactical mission planning, military spectrum engineering, and electronic warfare operations. It supports all organisational units of the armed forces at strategic, operational, and tactical levels.
The software module SPECTRAmpt defines the area of operation based on cartographic data (DEM, DTM, clutter) and the MGRS (military grid reference system). The operational command uses the real-time information in the system’s central database to plan networks and links, to automatically identify the best location and power for emitters, minimising any interference, and respectively to optimise the positioning of jammers for maximum impact. The calculations consider any jammers and hostile and friendly emitters identified by LS OBSERVER and registered in the central database.
SPECTRAmpt allows operational commanders to simulate electronic support measures, counter measures, and electronic protection against Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs).
The SPECTRAmil system is interoperable with the SMIR Online database of NATO through SMADEF XML, supports the Standard Frequency Action Format (Pub 7 and Pub 8), is fully ITU compliant (ITU agreements, ITU IFL (International Frequency List) and interfaces to ITU databases (BR-IFIC and SRS)). In addition, the software includes extensive data exchange capabilities, such as CSV, XML file exchange format, and can be interoperable with allied and friendly forces’ systems.
A colour code indicates a high or low jamming effect on the hostile radio depending on the jamming location. In this example the red zone is the best location to set up jammers, a jammer in the blue area would only have minimal effect on the enemy’s ability to communicate
LS telcom