In the market of temporary and semi-permanent bridging solutions, Janson Bridging (H6 #J248) is one of the larger companies in the world. Established in 1972 in the Netherlands, Janson Bridging executed over 5.500 bridge, pontoon and Roll-on Roll-off projects. Today the company has branches and stocks all over Europe making Janson Bridging European market leader for renting out bridging systems. In the worldwide sales market, Janson is mainly active in Europe, Asia, Africa and South-America.
Janson's broad portfolio includes several types of modular bridging systems in every load class and span desired, from pedestrian to heavy traffic bridges, from steel to polymer bridges, from coupled pontoons to harbour facilities, from pontoon bridges to (self-propelled) ferries. The similarity between these systems is that they are all modular, that their design is standardised and that the various systems can be combined. This is the reason that Janson can offer bridging solutions for almost every situation imaginable.
All Janson products are designed and developed in-house by own experienced engineers and manufactured to the Eurocode Standard. The companies’ organization can cover all phases of the realization of a structure, from its initial design, engineering and manufacturing to installation, training, supervision, maintenance and re-use. Upon request projects can be carried out on a turnkey basis. The supply of solid, but fast and easy to assemble modular products constitutes the backbone of our services.
Until recently Janson Bridging was mainly focused on the civilian market. However, Janson is of the opinion that its products and services are becoming more and more interesting for international military and civilian security organisations. The main reasoning behind this opinion is the apparent consequences of climate change, leading to more natural disasters and conflicts. Undoubtedly there will an increased demand for systems as offered by Janson. Janson’s newly established branch Janson Security & Disaster Relief Services is specifically focussed on Defence and security organisations. We offer them Janson’s broad know-how and expertise as well as Janson’s cost-effective bridging system, especially suitable to maintain Lines of Communications.
Janson Security & Disaster Relief Services operates worldwide. Specifically, for European defence and security organisations an innovative concept for cooperation is offered. It is based on Janson’s capabilities in the rental market. The premise of the concept is to ensure the availability of LOC-bridging systems without the need of ownership. Janson can simply make this kind of systems available out of its large rental stocks in times of conflict or natural disaster. Costs are limited therefore to a yearly fee payable to Janson for the guaranteed availability of the agreed equipment. Obvious benefits are: no investment costs, low cost of ownership (no stock costs, no maintenance costs), proven and robust technology and a toolbox of modern certified bridging systems and the latest innovations are at disposal of military engineers.