Like the members of almost any other business to business or business to government community, members of the training and simulation community of developers, designers, creators and – yes – marketeers – spend a considerable amount of time and energy exploiting the networking, group contact and effective discussion facilities offered by conferences such as I/ITSEC. Their parent companies invest significant resources – cash, of course, but also time, effort and human capital in the runup to, participation in and ‘after action review’ of every such show – particularly one as dominant and important in its sector as this one. And that AAR inevitably includes questioning from management as to what the tangible, immediate results of the investment are: “So what have you done for me today?”
Sometimes it is difficult to persuade the people who “weren’t there” that the results, though perhaps intangible and needing time to be massaged to full fruition, are real and will have the desired beneficial effect on the business. In our world, where engaging the customer, exercising persuasion and seeking conviction take what may seem to be others to be an inordinate amount of time, the perception the community has of one’s participation in a show like I/ITSEC is a critical component of gauging success. It must therefore be particularly gratifying to a company when its efforts are recognised by its peer group and fellow members of the community. An award – one that is based on meaningful criteria and recognises the success of specific efforts or offerings – enhances the perception (dare one say it creates augmented perception?) of the company among its customers, competitors and partners.
Cubic must therefore be gratified to be able to announce that at I/ITSEC 2014 in Orlando it was awarded Best Tutorial for demonstrating excellence in its entry “Bridging the Gap: How to Build Effective Game-based Training.” The selection of the Best Tutorial represents the culmination of the conference.
Cubic’s tutorial describes how to leverage the vitality of commercial games in serious game-based training to create a more effective learning experience. Cubic’s virtual reality courseware is being developed to help underpin the effectiveness of the U.S. Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) once they are deployed on operations and to enhance the training of the sailors who serve on them. Designed from scratch, the innovative solution fully leverages the latest advances in simulation and learning technology. Studies estimate a 40 percent increase in retention of knowledge by using the experiential learning method found in Cubic’s technologies, as compared to the traditional courseware model that focuses on memorization.
“This award is a validation of Cubic’s commitment to creating exceptional training experiences and putting our customers first. We continually strive to deliver innovative, best-in-class solutions and the highest degree of service possible,” said Bill Rebarick, general manager of Cubic Advanced Learning Solutions. “Cubic’s game-based virtual reality courseware is an example of how the use of simulation technology is offering efficiencies and improvements in today's military training.”
Sometimes it is difficult to persuade the people who “weren’t there” that the results, though perhaps intangible and needing time to be massaged to full fruition, are real and will have the desired beneficial effect on the business. In our world, where engaging the customer, exercising persuasion and seeking conviction take what may seem to be others to be an inordinate amount of time, the perception the community has of one’s participation in a show like I/ITSEC is a critical component of gauging success. It must therefore be particularly gratifying to a company when its efforts are recognised by its peer group and fellow members of the community. An award – one that is based on meaningful criteria and recognises the success of specific efforts or offerings – enhances the perception (dare one say it creates augmented perception?) of the company among its customers, competitors and partners.
Cubic must therefore be gratified to be able to announce that at I/ITSEC 2014 in Orlando it was awarded Best Tutorial for demonstrating excellence in its entry “Bridging the Gap: How to Build Effective Game-based Training.” The selection of the Best Tutorial represents the culmination of the conference.
Cubic’s tutorial describes how to leverage the vitality of commercial games in serious game-based training to create a more effective learning experience. Cubic’s virtual reality courseware is being developed to help underpin the effectiveness of the U.S. Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) once they are deployed on operations and to enhance the training of the sailors who serve on them. Designed from scratch, the innovative solution fully leverages the latest advances in simulation and learning technology. Studies estimate a 40 percent increase in retention of knowledge by using the experiential learning method found in Cubic’s technologies, as compared to the traditional courseware model that focuses on memorization.
“This award is a validation of Cubic’s commitment to creating exceptional training experiences and putting our customers first. We continually strive to deliver innovative, best-in-class solutions and the highest degree of service possible,” said Bill Rebarick, general manager of Cubic Advanced Learning Solutions. “Cubic’s game-based virtual reality courseware is an example of how the use of simulation technology is offering efficiencies and improvements in today's military training.”
Tim Mahon